Leadership as a Process in Dispersed Organizations
The concept of leadership continues to evolve as it undergoes shifts to meet the mounting pressure of a highly competitive, global marketplace. Scholars have recognized this change, arguing that leadership is a fluid process in modern organizational life, moving away from traditional characteristics and role-based paradigms. This contention has merit as businesses embrace decentralized structures in globally distributed organizations. To compete on a global scale, leaders can no longer rely on their titles and positional power to steer followers as this approach limits their capacity to achieve organizational and business objectives. Since leaders are the minority in organizations, leadership as a process offers a pragmatic solution as the leadership function extends to include followers, thereby harnessing full resource capability. The article discusses the concept of leadership as a process arguing its efficacy in dispersed organizations. The dimensions of trust, power and communication are discussed as augmented factors for consideration.
Keywords: Leadership as a Process, Decentralized Organizations, Global Economy, Followership, Trust, Power, Communication, Resource Capability, Teamwork.